What are you telling yourself?

What are you telling yourself?

The mind is everything. What you think, you become. -Buddha Where is your mind when you wake up on Monday morning? What mindset do you take into your day? Do you spend time the night before going over what needs to be done the following day to set yourself up for...

Abundance Meditation

Meditation to call in your desires Sit in a comfortable position – either cross-legged or with legs straight. Sit on the edge of a firm pillow to support your lower back. Ensure all distractions are turned off. Set a timer for six-ten or more minutes. For the first...
What are you allowing?

What are you allowing?

Something amazing is going to happen today. Where are you on this beautiful day? I hope wherever you are, you are noticing little pieces of beauty everywhere you go. I’ve been meditating on the idea of allowing lately. Allowing is in direct opposition to resistance....
Is Your Money Story Holding You Back?

Is Your Money Story Holding You Back?

What’s your money story? How is your relationship with money? Is it adversarial? Frustrating? Do you avoid looking at your bank account? Do you treat money like a good friend where there is an equal and mutually beneficial exchange of energy between the two of you? Do...