by Kori Gouge | May 12, 2021 | Stories (Blog)
(on how I quadrupled my income when I went ALL IN on ME… and created $10k sales and client work I LOVE ❤️) …you can too, btw. 😉 I have walked away from many GREAT “opportunities.” Many people thought I was crazy. Much of my family was disappointed. ...
by Kori Gouge | May 12, 2021 | Stories (Blog)
(so you can stop the binge-eating and overworking…and create a hot body and higher sales through your creative genius instead…) When you are working non-stop in your coaching business, DOING more just makes it worse. It is not that different from eating when you...
by Kori Gouge | May 12, 2021 | Stories (Blog)
…and how it all connects to your UNIQUE creative GENIUS…so you can STOP doing #allthethings in your business and only do YOUR thing 💎 “It’s never enough for you, Kori.” An ex-boyfriend told me this as we were talking one day. What? What...
by Kori Gouge | May 12, 2021 | Stories (Blog)
And it can bring you just attention or it can bring you the kind of attention that has your business LEAP in sales…(from a simple post or email)… and the LEVERAGE to become a Published Author While You’re At It 😊 “What’s your story?” I...
by Kori Gouge | May 12, 2021 | Stories (Blog)
When I started my business, many of the coaches I followed were teaching the importance of having a high-value opt-in to attract and enroll clients into your practice. I thought, perfect, I am a natural teacher and had created professional development training for...
by Kori Gouge | May 12, 2021 | Stories (Blog)
… on how I got asked for a $2500 full pay sale…that wasn’t from emailing my list or posting on social media… AND, why it has EVERYTHING to do with your relationship with YOU Even though I had a master’s degree and was teaching at the...