How just showing up changes everything

How just showing up changes everything

Did you know that showing up is the hardest part? It is common knowledge that in meet up groups, only half of the RSVPs will show up. Why? The event may sound great but actually getting there takes effort. We are very much a spectator culture – hence our love of...
It’s time to rewrite your story

It’s time to rewrite your story

What are some of the stories you have going on in your head? There isn’t enough time. I’m overwhelmed I’m exhausted. There isn’t enough money. I’m too old. I’m so tired. I’m overweight. I can’t do that. I’ve already spent 10 years in this. It’s hard to start over. How...
How experiences help rewrite our stories

How experiences help rewrite our stories

How was your weekend? What did you do? Did you create some new lasting memories? I hope so. This past weekend, I took a giant step into being the person I truly am – the person that I have kept buried for years. You see, I had some tangled up ideas about what...
Your excuses only limit your experiences

Your excuses only limit your experiences

Where in your life are you making excuses? I’m too old, I’m not old enough, I don’t have enough money, I don’t have enough time, I don’t have the right connections, I don’t have the right clothes, and on and on the list goes. On Monday, it was the first night of the...