
…how you feel about where you are will determine how long you will stay where you are…





When my business was going well and then I experienced a dry spell, I went into obsessive mode.


I HAD to figure it out.


It must be my childhood, my mom, my dad, my energy, my thoughts, my actions, my beliefs, my shadow, my money story, my relationship, my strategy, my platform, my knowledge… ME.


This intense focus on what was WRONG made this dry spell LONG. 🤨


It’s so very unnecessary.


I get that when you are in it, it is hard not to go into fix it mode on crack but that is exactly what you must do.


You see, if you feel bad, discouraged, and are negatively evaluating your situation, whether that be up and down sales or not filing your program or a dry spell, you will stretch out that situation even longer.


How do you change it?


When you can evaluate your situation objectively to see what you can change, without the negative judgment and instead with curiosity, then you can enter into creative exploration.


This is a different energetic and emotional state of being from which you can create something new instead of perpetuating the old.


It is about changing the story, knowing you are the author of whatever story you desire.


When you face a challenge, It is easy for old patterns and ways of being to trap you in the old story.


There’s something wrong with you. You’re not cut out for this. Give it up, already.


It may be uncomfortable but it is familiar. This is the place that your family is accustomed to so you don’t have to deal with any conflict there.


You also get that hit of pity – aw, well you gave it a good try. 😦


If instead, you begin to create and live into a new story, you upset your old way of being which upsets how other people are used to you being. This can be unsettling because as you raise your standards, this may call their own standards into question.


If you are more influenced by how they think of you than how you think of you, it is easy to fall back into those old, familiar, and unsatisfying patterns. If you can stay in that discomfort and unsettling feeling, you can rise above the old ways – ways that were connected to people pleasing, not wanting to upset anyone or anything, and to avoid conflict at all costs.


There is a cost to those old ways, despite their familiarity.


This is your life. The life you are designed to live, at this specific moment in time.


A life that could inspire others and show them what is possible – that there are new and different ways – ways they hadn’t even imagined possible.


This requires seeing yourself through Quantum Eyes – beyond your environment, thoughts, and emotions – to see the power of your path, gifts, and work and the impact they have on the clients you work with, your community, and your friends and family.


You step out of thinking you need to control and “fix” everything and everyone and step into trusting you are, have been, and always will be guided. 👑


There are MANY ways clients can come to you and when you want to control that, you restrict the flow.


When I released the pressure, got curious, and looked at how my dry spell was FOR me because of what it allowed me to learn and discover, then I could use that experience to serve my clients.


I shared a video about the guilt and shame you feel when you’ve invested in support but then didn’t progress as much as you had hoped. I was sharing from the heart as I had experienced this myself and knew the damage it caused.


It hit a chord with a lot of coaches. One reached out to book a call with me and enrolled in my 30 day program on the call. She turned around and enrolled a client into her 30 day program a few days later.


I couldn’t have planned that out. I trusted I had a message that was important for me to share – for my own healing and for the healing of others.


The universe responded.


You see, you think control is what gives you freedom when in reality surrender does.


It’s much more fun, too! 😊



If you are tired of the emotional roller coaster of sales and want to design your transformational offer so it sells with heart and flow, let’s have a conversation to see if my 75-day Quantum Vision mentorship is a good fit. If so, we can get started right away. 💎

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