
…to create sales and client results in a way that feels effortless for you…


What losing my best friend taught me about life, love, and business…



I lost my best friend, Emily, to cancer right as I was beginning my business. I was shocked, devastated, angry.



She had so much going for her – a new marriage, child, home, and career. I was single, a new entrepreneur waiting tables at night. I would have gladly taken her place.


I was so shocked by her passing in a matter of weeks after the diagnosis that it also spurred me into action. Losing her hit home to me that tomorrow is not guaranteed.


While I wrestled with all the stages of grief for years to come, at that moment, I thought, I have to do this for her. She didn’t get to further develop and experience her dream of being a wife, mother, and counselor, so I better well step it up.


I did.


I enrolled in a dance performance class, booked a trip to Spain for my birthday, got my website up, did a photo shoot, shared my services more consistently, got out of a destructive relationship, and started dating my now husband. ❤️


However, I was still partly operating out of fear and guilt.


And much unforgiveness.


This became apparent when I would have success in sales and with clients but I would only allow so much before I stopped it and sabotaged further success.


Doubt, negativity, and despair were always lurking.


Bitterness, resentment, and anger grew with every disappointment.


Self condemnation and shame held me hostage at times, keeping me stuck in depression and debt.


Trying to mold myself into someone else by using some other coach’s script to break through to more sales felt inauthentic, and didn’t work.


Instead of “forcing” change through some new marketing tactic, I had to learn how to move through it, to honor what I was experiencing –  to stop criticizing what wasn’t working – and most importantly, I had to learn how to forgive.


Her, for leaving (I know it’s not rational, but it’s real)




Myself, for abandoning me and for limiting myself


How did I do it?


I needed to be guided to see myself through Quantum Eyes – to see above and through and beyond –


To the me who navigated loss with humility, grace, and forgiveness, and in so doing, kept her heart open instead of allowing it to harden…


To the me who could learn to see more objectively that loss is a natural, albeit heartbreaking, part of the human experience – and every experience can enrich you in different ways if you allow it to instead of allowing it to make you bitter and cynical…


To the me who could eventually accept the loss and the hole that will forever be in my heart and life and see how it shaped me to SEE what I wasn’t able to before…


To the me who could invite and enroll clients naturally and lead them to sales in their businesses in a way only they could, but hadn’t been able to SEE before (which led to a sale within 72 hours of our first session after many months of nada)…


To the me who could recognize the best gift I could give Emily is to live beyond what I imagined possible because she always believed in me and she would be proud of me as she looks at me from heaven, smiling, saying, “That’s my girl, strong work.”



To Emily, Happy Birthday, I love you, always. ❤️

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