
“I know we are called to love our neighbor as ourselves, but what happens when you don’t love yourself?”


Kevin looked at me and said, “So you are saying that you are a better judge of yourself than God is?”


“What do you mean?”


“God loves us so we must be lovable. Who are we to say God is wrong?”


My heart opened up to a whole new world.


I had never heard it stated like this before and these words were coming from a man who had been paralyzed in a weightlifting accident. This man had so much joy and peace in him despite losing his ability to walk, I knew he was speaking the truth.


I knew, maybe for the first time, that joy and peace were possible for me, too, no matter the struggles I had been through.


What a gift a conversation can be. It can change your life.


If you have wrestled with self-loathing or self-criticism or negatively judging yourself (guilty), ask yourself: how can I possibly value my opinion of myself over God’s?


You can change this as you learn to see yourself through God’s eyes. To accept the truth that He loves you more than you could ever love yourself.


And if God can love you, with all your flaws, missteps, and stumbles, and grant you grace no matter how many times you fall, perhaps your view of yourself is a bit distorted and limited.


How about pondering this: If He can love me, maybe I’m ok.


When you own and embody that, the insecurity and self-attack will fade. Your behavior and actions will change to match your new identity.


You’ll learn to see, if He loves you so much then His plans for you must be good and are certainly better than your plans for yourself.


When you can allow yourself to surrender your need to control everything and lean into trusting Him – even if your faith is the size of a mustard seed – He will do big things through you.

And it may come in the most unlikely of situations. That’s how good He is.


… Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you. Matthew 17:20