
Dance, dance, dance.


… on how dancing led to adventures in performance, far-off lands, love, and business 💃🏽



I gave up a well-paid, well-respected job to uproot my life and move to Mexico to teach at an international school followed by working as a contractor for an educational institution in Costa Rica.


It was scary, of course, but I knew I wanted more than going through the motions doing work I was good at but didn’t fill my soul.



It was during my time abroad that I knew I wanted to pursue my coaching certification and start my own coaching practice. I was done with following someone else’s agenda!


I found that my desire for freedom was soon squashed as I worked non-stop, thought about my business even when I wasn’t working, gave up many of my hobbies and killed my social life. 🤨(Let’s not even talk about the level of anxiety that was involved!)


I am a very disciplined person so it was easy for me to work on improvement constantly. The problem is you can improve all the systems you want but if you’re cutting off your heart and soul, they won’t sustain you.


At the insistence of my coach, who noticed my tendency to overwork and to negatively judge myself, I embarked on a 21 days of dance adventure. I resisted at first.


Funny isn’t it? Resisting something that gives  you joy?


As I committed, I found it shifted my days as I started my day with dance. It shifted my energy, perspective, and my actions.


It led to me seeking out classes to perform as a dancer on stage  – something I never would have imagined in my wildest dreams! 💃🏽 It led to booking myself a trip to Spain for my birthday. 🎉 It led to opening myself up more in my personal life, which led to meeting my husband. ❤️And, as I shared from a place of enthusiasm about my experience dancing on stage, it led to a client reaching out and enrolling in my 90-day program. 😊


I didn’t dance so I would do, get, and have all of those things.


I danced to dance. I danced because it brought me joy. I danced because I loved it. THAT is what led to all the amazing things – releasing the attachment and doing it for joy, being open to the possibilities, taking the pressure off having to get it all right and learn and do and implement all the things to make your business work, and instead trusting there is a better, more aligned, and more loving way.


There is! 😉


I get the pain of it not working.


It feels excruciating.


You gave up a job to start your business but then you made your business worse than the job and you made yourself worse than any boss you ever worked with.🤨


You seek and learn and strategize and implement yet despite all your time, effort, and energy, you’re not progressing as you had hoped.


It makes you feel ashamed and embarrassed. You push it down, hide it, and keep putting yourself out there but you’re losing faith in all, in yourself, and even in God.


You’re tired of all the mindset work that doesn’t seem to work, the strategies that complicate everything, and you’ve studied LOA and done all the visualizations and are tired of it because it leaves you feeling like a total misfit when it doesn’t seem to shift anything for you. 🤨


I see you. I feel you. I get it. I was you. AND, I am here to tell you that being a misfit is a GOOD thing because now you get to create what WILL work for you.


If you are craving cutting through all the confusion and want to gain clarity and clients so you can stop questioning your path and create the business you truly desire, by heart, send me a message and let’s chat about how we can work together to make that happen for you. ❤️