On ditching all the blueprints and doing business by heart ❤️
I have always been a “fixer.” I have always been curious and would naturally seek solutions when I faced challenges.
At some point, though, this began to backfire as it started to take on the form of an addiction.
You see, I thought I just needed the “right” mindset, the “right” information, the “right” strategy, the “right” platform, the “right” words, the “right” template or blueprint – you get the idea, right?
All of that kept me disconnected as all my “fixing” was taking place in my head.
To truly change and transform my business, I needed to start with the heart.
It is in the heart where I learned to forgive myself and my past – and all the coaches I hired and for all the programs I enrolled in that didn’t lead to any significant results.
It is in the heart where you can start to SEE yourself differently.
You see you are NOT your past.
Who I WAS in the past was the person operating from a disempowered place, thinking I was broken and something – a mindset shift, a strategy adjustment, a new platform or template – could fix my business.
What I learned was I am my business so the things I was so diligently working on outside of me wouldn’t make a difference if I wasn’t connected to my heart and aligned with my purpose.
It kept me stuck and broke, to be honest.
That was the addiction, you see.
Some people choose alcohol or drugs, I chose programs. 🤨
I was constantly searching for a “fix” that would “fix” me.
It isn’t OUT there. Believe me, I’ve looked.
It’s IN here – ❤️
That is why getting personalized support in creating your own system for how you run and grow your business is so important because it’s then YOURS.
Are you ready to be the woman who knows who she is, what she stands for, who she is here to help, how she helps them, and, most importantly, why? And to do so boldly, bravely, and unapologetically? 😊
Your business will never be the same.
Thank God. 👑
DM me to learn how to transform your business from the inside out. ❤️