
Do you ever feel like running an online business is all so confusing sometimes?


Everywhere you look there is a different strategy. And you often notice some of what you see today contradicts what you read yesterday.


It seems so overwhelming and unnecessarily complicated. 🤨


It’s hard, though, not to be confused when you’ve applied different strategies and worked with different coaches and still not found what truly works for YOU.


When you’re so caught up chasing the HOW, it’s easy to lose sight of the WHY, and sometimes even forget the WHAT.

I have to admit I’ve been there and I lost myself. 😕


After much frustration, I had to ask myself – who am I and what am I doing this for?


It wasn’t for fame or fortune.


Yet I had been in a cycle of proving that came from seeking external validation that is programmed in us from childhood. I saw clearly that this is what kept me seeking, striving, yet never feeling satisfied.


As I realized this, I could then release it, forgive myself, and come back to the real reason I started my coaching business.


I know the power of doing your “right” work on you, your family, and everyone around you.


I know that living and working from a place of inner security and true wealth is what transforms your relationships at a deep level.


I know that as you transform your relationship with yourself, you also transform your relationship with your business, money, your family, partner, children, and friends.


I know that as you do that, you can change familial, societal, and cultural structures.


I know that is what will change the world. 🌎


As I connected to this deeper calling, I stopped seeking validation along with the next best strategy.


Out of that my Business Audit and Sales Alchemy was born – the program I wish I had had back in my days of searching for what would help me in my business. This was it.


You get to learn from all my trials without having to go through them yourself and benefit from what I discovered had the greatest impact on me and my clients and our businesses. 😊


If you are tired of living in what feels like a constant state of confusion and frustration and want to clarify who you are meant to serve, how, to what outcome, and why and want to refine your program so your soul mate client comes running so you can start serving your bigger mission, this eight-day intensive is for you. I invite you to DM me and we can have a conversation about what that looks like for you. If it’s a good fit, we can get started right away.

Find out more here: https://korigouge.com/business-audit/

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