When your business feels worse than a “job,” you don’t need another strategy, you need Quantum Vision


If you want to stop all the sacrificing and, maybe, have some fun while you’re at it… 😊



When I began my coaching business, I went into  learn, acquire and implement new knowledge, and strive to succeed mode.


Because I was so focused on the intellectual, logical, and rational aspects of business, I implemented strategy after strategy only to find none of them worked consistently.


This was incredibly frustrating.


Feeling like I “failed” when yet another program I invested in didn’t “work” made me feel awful. 🤨

This, of course, doesn’t help!


Now I can SEE what I couldn’t see then.


It reminds me of a saying from Einstein that was often repeated in my coaching program, “You can’t solve a problem with the same thinking that created it.”


Yet, that is exactly what I was doing.


The logical part of my brain was hard at work trying to solve the dilemma of up and down sales by searching for an analytical reason why what I last tried didn’t work and then searching for yet another strategy that would make it work.


When, in reality, it was doomed to fail from the beginning.


I needed to SEE, think, and FEEL from a completely new place – with Quantum Vision.


This wasn’t a matter of the mind, after all. It was a matter of the heart. ❤️


I had wracked my brain searching for a solution that could only be discovered by the heart.


My rational side did not like this at all, even though it had plenty of evidence to show its method hadn’t worked.


I went into business because I had a deep desire to help people change how they ran their businesses so that it was connected to their purpose and designed in such a way that they could excel in a way that felt effortless for them.


This came from my own experience of coaching many people who were going through the motions in their careers, then started a business, and then reverted back to being a walking head as the pressures of growing their business took over and bypassed their hearts (I had been one of them!).


They got to the place where they weren’t sure running their own business was that much better than working for someone else, a thought that shocked them. 🤨


My desire to serve was still strong but I had fallen into the trap of letting my head take over – hence the strategy searching.


When I was able to SEE with Quantum Eyes, I realized it wasn’t a strategy that I needed.


What I needed was to come back to heart.


I was then able to design my own system for growth that integrated heart, spirit, and mind holistically and synergistically instead of being ALL head and ALL strategy or ALL heart and ALL energy and healing work.


I created my own way to grow my business that supported all of me and then guided my clients to do the same.


That led to greater freedom and joy AND increasing sales and higher rates.😉


When the heart wins, the head wins…  rarely does it work the other way around.



If you are tired of searching for another strategy and analyzing the heck out of your business, and want to create sales and growth with Quantum Vision, come back to why you started your business in the first place, and experience more joy in the growth journey, I invite you to book a call with me.where we can explore my Business Audit & Sales/Growth Alchemy Intensive. If it’s a good fit, we can get started right away. 💎

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