
On how removing the Scripted Mask led to a $2500 90 day full pay WITHOUT selling 😉



In the early days of my business, when things weren’t going as I desired, I was fighting myself constantly. It showed up in my business AND in my relationship.


I was putting myself out there to share my services through posts, videos, and emails but wasn’t getting much response in return. I felt invisible and it didn’t make sense because I was showing up consistently! It was freaking annoying! 🤨


It was all too easy to turn that frustration inward and attack myself, which did nothing to help the situation. That then spilled over into my relationship.


With my partner, it seemed like we disagreed more than we agreed and the tension between us kept growing. 😒


Not a great place to be when you are working on growing your coaching practice!


You see your relationship with yourself is reflected in your relationship with others AND with your business. When you are critical of others, it is because you are judging yourself.


However, you are judging yourself without all of the information because you are acting out of a default pattern. This is deeper than simply eliminating limiting beliefs.


If only I had known that then!


I had invested $$$ to work on limiting beliefs and shadow work and all it did was make me feel more broken and screwed up than before because I kept finding all this “proof” of what was wrong with me! 😳 #nothelpful


Why is that?


The problem is most people work on limiting beliefs and the shadow from the conscious level of awareness and what is required is to dig beneath that to the subconscious.


In order to break and dissolve this pattern, you need to remove the Scripted Mask that has served as your protection and is why you think you have to show up a certain way in your business and in your relationship.


This pattern served you well as a child but it now prevents the level of success you desire and the deeper intimacy in your relationship you crave.




It prevents you from seeing those unique traits that are hidden behind the Scripted Mask that are your magnetic superpowers – your innate natural ability to connect and sell effortlessly, freely, and naturally.


When you are guided to remove it and can start to see yourself through Quantum Eyes, how you show up changes, which changes how you are seen by your partner AND by your soul mate clients.


In my relationship, the criticism lessened and was replaced with curiosity and compassion. The tension was replaced with a deeper love and connection than before. Disagreements faded and laughter took their place. ❤️


In business, that’s when you can sell without selling.


For me, that looked like attending a writing workshop, being asked for my business card by one of the participants (which I didn’t have, btw!), scheduling a meeting, and then enrolling her into my $2500 90 day program, paid in full.




The best part is the freedom you feel to be who you are meant to be – without any scripts – in every area of your life.



Curious what removing the Scripted Mask and seeing with Quantum Eyes can do for your business and relationship? I invite you to send me a DM and we can chat about my 90 day 1:1 to see if it’s a good fit for you, and if so, we can get started right away.

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