
WITHOUT spending hours in DMs or nonstop posting


I have a confession to make.


When I began my business journey, I was SURE there was some secret formula, strategy, or system out there and that everyone except ME had access to it. 🤨


I was seeing all these coaches having great success and I was offering a workshop for $125.


While I was excited about my workshop, the fact that I was making less than $1000 for teaching powerful content to six people for five weeks while other coaches were making $5000+ for coaching one person made me think something was wrong with me.


While my heart was in the right place, I was not doing my work in a way that would sustain me financially.


Something had to change.


Having a voracious appetite for learning and a deep desire to figure this business thing out, I enrolled in courses and hired coaches, seeking that “thing” they had that I was missing.


It didn’t work.


I was following all the rules: I was posting, doing challenges and videos, creating funnels, optins, landing pages, AND went for long periods of time with NO sales.


It was embarrassing, to be honest. 😳


Instead of results, I got confusion and doubt, and investing yet again without much to show for it just reinforced my doubts and increased my shame and frustration.


I had put on this “mask”- I had to be someone else and do my business someone else’s way

because they had the secret formula.


But with masks, you attract from a false sense of self. I was hiding who I really was for fear it wasn’t good enough – but that insecurity attracted unavailable clients.


It was a perfect system actually – when you don’t trust yourself, you attract people who don’t trust themself and hence, they don’t trust you either – which means you get prospects who have lots of objections and clients who don’t follow through on your guidance.


It leaves you unsatisfied and reinforces the belief that something is wrong with you – which, of course, perpetuates more of what you don’t want.


See how clever your subconscious mind is? 😉


It is extremely frustrating because your brain is working against you thinking it is working for you, while what you truly want is to fill your coaching practice with your dream clients and guide them to transform their lives while supporting yourself well doing so.


You want to break out of the story of struggle and into that place of flow, ease, and alignment.



When your brain is wired for protection and survival means struggle then it will continue to create struggle – working hard for high-maintenance or unideal clients, and not meeting your sales/income goals no matter how much you work or what you do.


While many coaches promote changing your strategy, that’s like simply putting on a dress instead of a skirt – what’s beneath hasn’t changed, and what’s beneath is what is calling all the shots.


I get how tricky this is.


You do need a strategy and system that works – the difference here is that system needs to come from YOU, from your unique gifts and perspective and how you naturally work – when you put on someone else’s strategy, you are masking the real issue – and while their strategy may work for a brief spell, you default system will eventually resurface and win out.


Believe me, it doesn’t matter if you use LI, IG, FB, YT,  or email or all of them (I did ALL of it!) – they won’t work if what’s driving them is corrupted. It’s like a corrupted disk – it might have the exact information you need but you can’t access it because the disk is corrupted.


The default wiring in your system needs to be upgraded and that requires more than a new strategy – it requires taking off the scripted mask and seeing yourself and your gifts through quantum eyes, which is EXACTLY what I guide my clients to do in my three step Quantum Vision process.


When you do this, you are changing the system from the inside out. Now, it doesn’t matter what you wear (LI, FB, IG, YT), you book sales calls and enroll clients into your practice WITHOUT having to work nonstop and do ALL the things to do so.


When my clients make this shift, they break their dry spells and begin making sales in a little as 72 hours.


The same was true for me. When I took off the mask, I made a $10k (8 week) sale from one email.


What I discovered through Quantum Vision was I could do GREAT work for GREAT pay in a way that only I could – no mask required. 💎