
…on honoring where you are so that you can choose a different way


Last night I felt a strong craving for sweets (I have a major sweet tooth!) and I have made a commitment to cut back and work on eliminating sweets.


In the past, I would give in. The restlessness and discontent inside me were too much and I wanted something to soothe the inner turmoil. Sweets gave me that momentary relief yet was followed by shame.


I have done a lot of work on myself as my emotions have wreaked havoc on me in the past – causing me to binge on sweets and alcohol – anything to not feel whatever uncomfortable feelings were surfacing.


It took courage to face what I had been running from for so long – fearing what I would find would be too much for me to handle. What I discovered was the pain of running away was worse than whatever pain I imagined I would experience by going deeper into healing.


I wanted it all to be better right away and for it to be easy – don’t we all?


The issue is these are deeply embedded beliefs and behaviors that have formed part of our identities. Changing them creates a sort of identity crisis.


When you have lived your life seeking approval based on your appearance, financial success, work, or relationship status, letting that all go can be unsettling.


So much of your identity is wrapped in what you are DOING that you dismiss who you are BEING.


This is the real work, my friend.


It requires patience, trust, commitment, dedication to something greater than your circumstances, something beyond this world.


It is a fortification of the spirit, heart, and mind. It is undoing the old and letting it go along with all the meanings you gave it and clearing the way for the new so you can learn to operate on higher levels of power, love, security, peace, grit, and grace.


To be love in all you are and all you do with strength and courage.


I didn’t eat sweets last night. I honored the feelings of restlessness and recognized the desire for comfort. I fixed a cup of herbal tea, wrapped myself in a blanket, and let it all be ok just as it was.