Have you also heard you have to “look” a certain way to sell coaching packages?
On how I ditched the “fancy” photos and got a $5000 sale from a non-professional pic… at a baseball game (you can’t get much less fancy than that! ha!) 😉
I worked with so many coaches who were all about the “Image.” I was told I had to dress a certain way, fix my hair and make up, and do a fancy photoshoot in order to look “high-end” in order to sell higher priced packages.
I followed their guidance because I thought that was “the” way.
I posted fancy photos…
And the sales…
Well, what the heck, where were they?
My heart sank as another day, week, month, went by and despite all my posting, I wasn’t enrolling clients into my practice. 😕
I thought, man, if people won’t hire me when I look “the part,” then something’s not working here.
I was right that something wasn’t working. 😳
But my default was to think it was ME that wasn’t working – that there was something wrong with me.
That wasn’t true.
It was that what I had been taught was wrong. 🤨
Fancy photos and looking professional is NOT what I needed to enroll clients into my practice.
(But that is EXACTLY what the majority of coaches were telling me!)
What I needed was NOT the front-facing marketing but the back-end, behind the scenes marketing. (That’s the value of the RIGHT mentor.)
I needed to refine HOW I worked with my clients – my process and delivery – and continue becoming a more powerful coach and guiding my clients to results.
Results trump pretty pictures EVERY TIME. 💎
So, I said screw this stuffing myself into a suit that I never wanted to wear in the first place! It’s not me.
I took off the ‘scripted’ mask so that I could truly see myself.
I focused on what only I could do and how I was uniquely designed to guide my clients to breakthroughs in sales through my unique Quantum Vision process.
I wrote a post about ripping the mask off, exposing what lay behind it and how it transformed how I saw myself, which not only transformed my business but also my romantic relationship.
I posted it with a photo of me wearing sunglasses with rhinestones around the edges – at a baseball game – not a fancy restaurant, hotel, bar, party, or in front of the Eiffel Tower. 😉
This post led to someone reaching out to me and investing in a $5k 60 day intensive with me.
That is what happens when you are guided to SEE with Quantum Eyes what is hiding behind the scripted mask and then refine and elevate your process with that new lens.
When I led one of my clients through this process, she went from more than a YEAR without sales to booking three calls and making a sale ($1500 paid on the call for a 30-day intensive of 3 sessions) within 72 hours of our first session. 👑
No fancy photo shoot, branding, having to look “professional”- I guided her to SEE what it was that only she could do, the results it led to, and then to speak about it with authority WITHOUT the scripted mask.
That is the power of Quantum Vision. 💎