Do you ever feel burned out by all the self-improvement, self-empowerment, pick yourself up by your bootstraps, and think yourself into a new reality jargon and are beginning to realize that it always leaves you feeling empty and, often, worse about yourself?


There is a dark underbelly in the personal development world and it’s not spoken of much, if at all. It is built on a fundamentally flawed premise: that YOU are God. That all you have to do is work on your mindset and cast out your shadows and voila, you can step into a whole new world of your own creation.


If that were true, there wouldn’t be so many people, especially people in the personal development world, who are still struggling.


The fact that they are still struggling when they hear all they have to do is decide and believe makes them feel like something must be really wrong with them.


I speak from experience.


I bought into this narrative with all of my being. I wanted it to be true and when things didn’t change dramatically, I thought something was wrong with my mind. I researched how to fix the brain, changed my diet, took supplements, meditated, rewrote the past, challenged negative thoughts, and yet I found myself still wrestling with some of the same issues as before.


I thought, ok I’m not an idiot and I am smart enough to figure this out yet that kept me hooked into the very machine that had convinced me I was broken in the first place!


It turns out I needed a whole new way of BEING in order to change my thinking and doing, not the other way around.


When I could SEE myself with Heart Vision instead of worldly vision, the ‘fixes’ no longer appealed to me, hence donating all my self-help books to Goodwill!




This was huge because I had turned into what felt like a gambling addict: I would enroll in just ONE more program, convinced THIS was the ONE that was going to make the difference and I would make an ROI on it THIS time, only to be left disappointed like the feeling a gambler gets when she places all her chips on what she think is the sure thing and then loses it all.


I carried a lot of shame around this for a long time because I bought into the narrative that something, some strategy or program, outside of me was the answer and since it didn’t work for me, then I must be fundamentally flawed and beyond fixing.


I am not alone in this. I have worked with and heard from many women with this same story. It breaks my heart because I know the damage this causes.


So, how did seeing myself with Heart Vision change things for me? It brought me back to the truth: I am not God AND I need God AND, most importantly, I can TRUST God.


I ain’t gonna lie, this wasn’t easy. I had a lot of issues with trust and I wrestled with letting go of MY way because I was afraid what would happen when I did.


I then experienced two significant losses in my life and all illusions of being in control were ripped from my consciousness. I was angry…at life and at God…yet in the depths of my despair and grief, I had no one to cling to but God.


When my heart wanted to close down, He kept it open. When I wanted to give up, He invited me to simply go for a walk.


Little by little, a power inside of me that was not of me, started to put the pieces of my life back together and I found myself promoting my coaching, signing up for a dance class, booking a trip to Spain for my birthday, and being open to dating again.


That took more than positive affirmations, thinking myself rich and well, and simply flipping a switch. I’m not that powerful. None of us are. I was prone to depression and negativity so this was God working in and through me, no question about it.


AND, that, my friends, is what is so desperately missing from the personal development world: God. He is the King of Transformation and He will not disappoint you.