We love to complicate things. We intellectualize, analyze, second-guess, doubt ourselves, and then wonder why we feel stuck.
As I looked around at all the gravestones, I could sense all those who had gone before us were saying, stop it, y’all, it’s simple really.
We are all heading to the same destination, ultimately. The trick is to create something meaningful while you’re here.
And, the key to that is being present. 

Most of our complication comes from regretting past decisions and worrying about the future when the only time we can do anything with is right now. Yet, we waste right now because we’re not here.
For me, this has looked like feeling bad about not progressing in my business more rapidly, feeling ashamed of investing in programs in which I didn’t get results, and worrying about how I was going to change it which kept me searching outside of me for the answer, which just perpetuated the cycle.
When I got the right support and stopped focusing on what was “wrong,” I could connect more deeply with my heart, forgive myself and my past decisions, and create from a place of trust and empowerment. This strengthened my relationship with God, with myself, and my work.
How I showed up and how I coached changed. I was operating from a place of victory. 

Writing posts and creating videos became fun and easy as I connected to my heart and intuition. I felt clear in my message and mission which increased my confidence and enthusiasm for my work.
I began to see all the stories I had already written and knew contributing to a book was the right next step in my journey.
Now I guide coaches and leaders in clarifying their signature story, refining their singular work, and amplifying their visibility and authority by becoming published authors in an anthology WHILE integrating their story for the book into their marketing to create more clients. 

Are you craving clarifying your message and creating more clients?