Why work with me? There are a million coaches out there (or so it seems), so how do you choose the right one for you and why would you choose to work with me over the 9,999,999 others?
There are a million coaches out there (or so it seems), so how do you choose the right one for you and why would you choose to work with me over the 9,999,999 others?
Who am I to help you?
Where would you like me to begin?
I dreamed of being a writer at a young age. I devoured books. I wrote a poem for my elementary school newsletter and beamed from ear to ear when they printed it on the front page. I entered a short story contest when I was in the fifth grade. I loved choosing a cover for my story and binding it. To me, it was my first official book. As I grew up, I kept reading and writing but when I told my step dad I wanted to go to college for writing, his reply was that I could study writing at any college but going to college ‘for’ writing was silly. I had to choose a path that made money. I was good at math and science and engineering was the money making career at that time so I swallowed my dream. I applied to military academies because I decided if I was going to study engineering, then I wanted to become a pilot. I had visions of flying a fighter jet like Tom Cruise in Top Gun. I was accepted into the U.S. Coast Guard Academy. I learned to sail, use firearms safely, shore up a flooding boat, practice fire-fighting, assist with search and rescue missions, and was introduced to flying. While all of this was exciting, the rigidity that is inherent in the military was stifling my spirit.
I chose to leave this prestigious military academy three years later to pursue a bachelor’s degree in Psychology at a liberal arts university in Ohio. My heart longed for the arts and for freedom. I went on to become an intrepid solo traveler. My travels abroad inspired me to pursue a Master’s degree in International and Intercultural Communication. After investing in my education at a private university, I chose a path in the non-profit arena, the lucrative choice, obviously.
I initially worked as a career education teacher for at-risk high school students. I loved helping them discover their strengths, interests, talents, and dreams and supporting them in pursuing studies and work that they genuinely loved. I advanced from facilitator to coordinator to assistant manager to manager of youth programs, where I was supervising 11 off-site staff in 13 different schools across four distinct school districts. I was responsible for the continued growth of our programs through securing new contracts as well as supporting the continual personal and professional development of my staff. I enjoyed creating new partnerships with new districts and schools and coaching my staff to refine their teaching and relationship skills. I also chaired the professional development committee and provided a variety of trainings to a staff of close to 50 people. I enjoyed many parts of the job. However, sitting in my office reporting to a director with whom I had a challenging relationship and knowing much of the work was a numbers game, I felt myself losing my soul to the bureaucracy.
The problem was I didn’t want to get a job at another non-profit, though I did search and apply for jobs. I was offered several but my heart wasn’t in it. I knew it wouldn’t be that much different.
I always craved adventure, travel and new experiences. The traditional career path never quite fit me, as much as I tried to stuff myself into that suit. I had continuously advanced in my career and to give up being at that high level didn’t make sense to most people. Deep down though, I knew I never really wanted a conventional life.
So what did I do? I chose adventure over security. When I gave up my non-profit career to pursue living and working abroad, many people thought I was crazy. For the following three years, I traveled from Mexico to Panama alone and I worked and lived In Villahermosa, Mexico, and San Jose, Costa Rica as a teacher and college and career preparation tutor. Once I left that non-profit, I knew there was no going back. No matter what it took, I would find a way to make it on my own as an entrepreneur. The majority of the work I have done has involved coaching so pursuing a coaching certification felt like the right next step. Coaching is a career that forces you not only to face your fears but also to push yourself to continued growth. I am honored to play a role in making a difference in the lives of others through powerful coaching, writing, teaching, and living as an example of what you dream, you can achieve.
Now I realize that packing up and moving to another country and entrepreneurship aren’t everyone’s dream, but many people I work with have some unfulfilled dream in their life, whether that is to work in a specific industry, make an incredible living as an artist, learn to tap dance at 38, or become a fashion model at 65. I work with my clients to find the courage to live their dreams every day.
Are you ready to do work that lights you up and live a life you love?
Sign up for Clarity Call with me to get clear on your desires, what’s getting in the way, and how working with me can help you put the zest back in your life.