“What’s your passion?” My dad’s confident, creative, and self-assured girlfriend asked me. I felt myself shut down. I hated that question. I started to get judgmental and thought to myself, of course you know what your passion is, you’re an artist. (Isn’t it silly the things we tell ourselves?)


At the time, I was in my early 20’s and wasn’t sure who I was or what I wanted. That question felt so loaded and its heaviness felt suffocating. Though I was passionate about many things, at that time, I wasn’t living in alignment with any of them. It felt unsettling, which is why it stirred up so many emotions.


What about you? When someone asks you, “What do you really want?” do you start to get nervous, say something cliche or even simply shoo them off with an “I don’t even know anymore.”


The pressure to find your passion or follow your bliss can feel insurmountable.


The truth is many people can’t answer that question honestly. Many are living out a story that was handed to them by their parents, educational system, religious institutions, community, or society. The cycle of socialization programs people to go through the motions and be a part of the machine.   Then, once on that path, it’s hard to change directions. So in come the distractions – food, alcohol, drugs, social media, shopping, sex – anything to not think about what you’re meant to be doing with your life because you do sure as heck know this is not it! But you surely don’t know what IT is and that makes you uncomfortable. So in come the distractions again. And the cycle keeps repeating.


This is no way to live.


If you can stop long enough to listen deeply and allow yourself to simply be with yourself, you can begin to sharpen your intuition. That is the place of your deepest wisdom. This is the voice that will not lead you astray. It will lead you back to you, to your truth.


One of the best ways to do this is to connect with a compelling vision for your life.


This will help you get clear on the life you are meant to be living – a life that contributes something meaningful to the world, work that is a true reflection of you, activities and interests that light you up, relationships that support you, and a deep sense of joy, purpose, and impact.


It requires courage and faith to honor your intuition. And it begins with a decision.


Today, I am offering a free intuitive coaching session for the first THREE people who say yes.


During our call, you will:

  • Clarify your true desires so you have a vision that pulls you forward
  • Remove the block that’s been holding you back so you open yourself up to receiving what you want
  • Take the next steps to bring in exactly what you desire
  • Create your personal daily mindset practice to keep you in the right energy to continue moving forward


Simply email me with a YES  and we’ll set up your session from there.


Seeing your greatness,



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