Doing work that lights you up, part III.

From my background in Psychology and Intercultural Communication, and having worked with many people one on one; I decided it was time to pursue my coaching certification. I knew I wanted to help people and I wanted to do it in a way that fit the lifestyle I desired. I didn’t want people to have to drive across town to sit in an office for an hour’s session. I wanted to be able to work with them whether they lived in Milwaukee, Paris, or Auckland. Flexibility and freedom are high values for me. Coaching people virtually would not only allow me to serve people powerfully, it would also allow me to live my life how I had always wanted.

Pursuing my Life Coaching certification was finally connected to the bigger vision I had for my life. Pursuing the path of entrepreneurship has been the greatest personal and professional development course there is. As with most things, it is still a work in progress. Now, however, it is connected to how I want to be of service to the world and how I want to live my life.

Now I help my clients who are stuck in unfulfilling work get clear on their vision for their life so that they can make decisions that align with that vision – both professionally and personally. I help them avoid the mistakes I made so that they can do the work they love more quickly. Having taken the circuitous route, I now help my clients see there is a more direct route to doing work that lights them up and then we work together to ensure they are taking powerful actions to get there.

I love helping my clients connect to the bigger vision they have for their work and their lives. When we make decisions from a deep knowing of who we are, what we are here to do and how we want to do that, we show up powerfully and confidently. We have a limited time here on this earth. It is my hope we will use some of that time to contribute something great to the world by doing work that lights us up and allows us to share our gifts and to be the best version of ourselves we can be.

There is no Hollywood ending to this story – no happily ever after or devastatingly dramatic ending. The end to this story is real life – a life that is meant to be a big adventure. As with any adventure, there will be challenges and trials to overcome and there will be triumphs and joy along the way as well. A lot of what we get from life comes back to how well we respond to the difficulties and how connected we are to what we truly desire. My hope is that you will allow yourself to connect deeply to the highest vision you have for your life and not only make decisions but also live your life from that space.

What is your vision for your life? How do you desire to be and feel each day? Are you living in alignment with what you desire? If not, where can you start making adjustments?

If you don’t have a powerful vision or feel disconnected with how you desire to live, set up a free breakthrough session with me to clarify your vision and your desires.

Sending you clear vision and strong desire,


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