
I love to bake. I also love researching new recipes and learning new ways to bake.


One of my favorite books is America’s Test Kitchen, Baking. I love reading how they make one pie 30 times, each time adjusting a different ingredient until they get it just right.


Even with this level of detail and additional tips, I have struggled to make a pie dough that has the right consistency. It’s either not rolling out properly or it’s too dry and cracks.


It’s annoying, isn’t it?


It hit me as I was wrestling with this when I made apple pie recently that this is how personal growth is.


If I had had a baking coach with me to guide me through the process and show me what the right texture of dough looks and feels like, I would be able to make a great pie shell the next time.


It’s the individual attention to where I am struggling and the right support at the right time that makes the difference.


With personal growth, you can read all the books and work with different coaches, apply all the techniques and suggestions, and still fall short of your intended outcome.


Why is this?


It takes more than an idea.


Your coach can share a great idea with you and you can run off and implement it and find it didn’t work as it had for her.




This is a deeper level of connection and integration required here.


I have worked with coaches who went on to make 7+ figures and many of them offer “their” system yet I found there wasn’t much emphasis on helping you discover and implement “your” system.


To create your own way, you need to go deeper, heal and release old patterns and beliefs, and cultivate greater faith in your journey to know who you truly are from a higher perspective.


When you do this, you will find the disconnection, confusion, and searching will come to an end.


In my work, I guide you to uncover your deeper desires for your work, relationship, and life and then explore how you are naturally designed to implement them in a way that works for YOU.


It’s you learning to create and live YOUR life by heart with great courage and conviction.