Today would have been my best friend’s 39th birthday. Emily LOVED her birthday. It was better than Christmas to her. I was talking to one of my business besties last night and telling her how I usually do something for Emily on her birthday. She replied, “You are doing something for her. Look at all you are doing.” She was referring to me building my business and not giving up on it, no matter what.

I was talking to one of my business besties last night and telling her how I usually do something for Emily on her birthday. She replied, “You are doing something for her. Look at all you are doing.” She was referring to me building my business and not giving up on it, no matter what.

She was right. Emily would be so psyched for me as I would have been for her. That is part of what struck me when she died – how much she still wanted to do. From that day, I wanted to make sure I was doing everything I could to live my life purposefully since I was given the chance to do so. Living my life to the fullest is the best way to honor her and to celebrate her life. I wish she could be here, every day. I will always miss her.

Life is strange. It’s so devastating to lose someone so close to you, someone, who was such a huge part of your life. It’s hard to imagine life without them. And then you have to. And the only way to do it is to do it so well, that you know wherever they are, they are smiling with you.

I wanted to share a few things I loved about her in the hopes you will take some of it with you today.

Lessons from Emily:

  1. Never lose your sense of humor, no matter what is going on, share a smile.
  2. Commit fully to personal growth and healing.
  3. Travel as much and as often as you can, even if that means going somewhere new in your city.
  4. Always tell the truth, even when it’s hard.
  5. Go after what you want, no matter how scary it may seem.
  6. Stand up for yourself even when your knees are shaking.
  7. Love deeply.
  8. You are stronger than you realize.

In honor of Emily and to celebrate her birthday, I encourage you to tell someone you love them (this includes telling you this!), smile more often, commit to your own self-learning, explore a new place or activity, and above all, do something fun!

Never ever pass up an opportunity to leave someone in a better place than you found them – whether that’s through a story you share, a heartfelt smile, a good laugh, a hug, or a sense of good energy and a lightened spirit.

We get to choose how we show up each day and the impact we desire to have on every person we come into contact with. Today, above all days, make that interaction count.

Much love,


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