
…so when it feels like all is lost, it’s actually just beginning… 😉



I was determined to make my business work so I invested in a high ticket program, thinking THIS was the ONE.


I saw other people having breakthroughs and even heard one woman say this was the best program.


I couldn’t understand it as she hadn’t made hardly any sales – I thought – what is she seeing that I’m not? (Notice the self-doubt kicking in?)


I had invested a lot so I thought I just needed to work harder at it.




I let all the external information influence me instead of going within and connecting more deeply to myself and what I wanted and honoring that this wasn’t right for me, no matter how much I had invested.


I didn’t, however. I stuck it out. 🤨


I didn’t feel I belonged there at all – I felt invisible (my old wound resurfacing) – and despite ALL signs pointing to it NOT working for me after four months and only making $200, I foolishly invested again for three more months and found myself defending my decision!


When my husband asked about the program, I said, it works.

He said, how is that when you haven’t made any sales?


Ouch, the truth stings sometimes, doesn’t it?


I was blind. I was like an addict who can’t admit she has a problem.


Deep down, I was ashamed it hadn’t worked, despite me doing all the work and the high investment.


I was embarrassed that I had let other people influence me instead of acknowledging it didn’t work for ME, getting out, cutting my losses, and doing something else.


I was hiding.


And, of course, I was also invisible to my soulmate clients in my marketing because I had disconnected completely from her and myself.


I thought I had to do it someone else’s way to make it work even though doing it someone else’s way hadn’t worked at all. ☹️


I was comparing myself to everyone else and beating myself up for not having breakthroughs. The more I focused on how ashamed I was, the more I lost myself in depression and lost my sense of purpose.


It wasn’t pretty.


To be honest, it was scary.


I didn’t like how I felt about myself or what I thought about myself and I turned to hatred – of myself, my life, and everyone else. 🤨


The further down I went, the darker it got until I became the ultimate victim – contemplating if my life was even worth living.


This shocked me awake. 😳


How had I gotten to the point where I felt this helpless and hopeless?


It was ugly.


How did I crawl out?




I focused on just the next step instead of berating myself for not already being miles ahead.


I learned to SEE myself differently – through Quantum Eyes – to see this pattern of invisibility and struggle had a long history.


When I could SEE it from Quantum Vision, I could release the judgment and instead be curious and compassionate in exploring how this pattern shaped me in positive ways, developed my gifts, personality, and unique traits and set me on a specific path that equipped me to help my soulmate client on her journey.


I could then see that it was reactivated so I could release it, heal it, and transform it and help my soulmate client do the same – WITHOUT all the pain I went through!


I did a video about the shame of investing and not getting results and that led to a woman reaching out to me and investing in my $4k 90 day program. 😊


Before I hid my shame but it still came through nonverbally in my marketing and videos.


Until I was willing to SEE it through Quantum Eyes, dig in and heal it at a deeper level to release it, and then take action against it, it would continue to haunt me.


I know the deeper I go in my healing, the higher I rise in my impact and income.


Now when that old pattern is triggered, I step back and say, hallelujah. 🌟


I now SEE clearly my purpose in guiding female entrepreneurs in the transformational space to break out of the pattern of searching for the “right” way to grow their business and instead, together we design THEIR way to grow their practice that aligns with their gifts, genius, personality, and unique traits, the impact they are here to make and the life they desire to live – fully, freely, and abundantly. ❤️

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