
On how who you are BEING attracts more sales than what you are DOING 😉



I used to “work” in my business even when I wasn’t working – I was always thinking about it and had a hard time NOT working.


I had learned, studied, and implemented strategy after strategy and I thought I just needed to work more to earn more.


I thought that time away from business meant I wasn’t dedicated or committed.


When my family would visit, instead of feeling excited to spend time with them, I felt resentful that they were taking time away from my business. I felt justified in my thinking  –  I told myself I was growing a business and it required a lot of time and attention. 😟


I stopped spending time with friends as I wanted to keep working in the evenings.


I thought – hey, this is just what it takes.


You gotta work hard for your money, right? 😳


The issue was it was taking more than it was giving. It was taking the richness out of my life and the joy out of me. And, of course, that directly impacts sales!


I realized this was not why I started my business. I started it because I wanted MORE freedom, not less. I wanted to do work I loved and do it in a way that gave me energy and life, not sucked the life out of me.


How could I give my best to my clients from that place anywat? Ugh.


I knew this wasn’t working and I didn’t like who I was being. #wakeupcall


It was who I was being in and outside of business that was creating this business and life that didn’t support me.


It wasn’t the strategy.


It was ME – my heart and energy were out of alignment. 🤨


The worrying, constantly wanting to work on my business, and thinking about it nonstop even when I wasn’t working not only took away from outside activities and the joy I could experience in them, it also took away from my business as I was infusing it with distrust and doubt.


I thought it depended on ALL head and DOING and dismissed the power of heart, spirit, and energy to direct my sights and mind right so that my action in the doing would have more impact and to see that all the activities outside of work would give more to my life and work than sitting there obsessively working in a worried state of mind. #counterproductive


Who you are being in the doing makes the doing more effective and allows it to feel more effortless. 😉


It requires disciplining the mind as it wants to hijack the heart and direct the show.


And that requires SEEING from a different, higher perspective – with Quantum Vision.


You then need to choose how you want to experience your business and commit to being in that energy with trust and belief – and knowing when it is off so you can bring yourself back into alignment with who you are meant to be vs who you think you need to be.


As I leaned into this, I saw an email about a workshop on writing and the body. It was an immediate YES. It wasn’t for business, it was for ME.


I registered, attended, and loved it. Interestingly enough, I left the workshop with a meeting set up with a woman who asked to work with me who then became a client. 😊


The truth is we need to take care of ourselves and fill ourselves up outside of business and let go of the belief that our business is EVERYTHING and we must give EVERYTHING to it.


We need to SEE through Quantum Eyes how to design, run, and expand our business so it supports ALL of who we are being called to be.


The more you give to yourself in many different ways so you are operating from a place of fullness, the more you give your best to not only your clients and business, but also to yourself and your life.


All that you desire can come to you much more quickly and easily when you do. 💎

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