When I started my business, many of the coaches I followed were teaching the importance of having a high-value opt-in to attract and enroll clients into your practice.

I thought, perfect, I am a natural teacher and had created professional development training for staff and community members as well as curriculum around self awareness and personal growth in my previous career, so off I went to create… over 30 opt-ins with valuable resources and tools, videos, nurture sequences, you know… everything that you “need” to get a prospect to “know, like, and trust” you in order to get them to buy from you. 😳

While despite hours and hours of development and creation and promotion, guess how many clients my amazing opt-ins directly created?


What? You’ve got to be kidding me. That is a bit ridiculous, isn’t it? 

I knew what I had created was powerful and really helped people yet that wasn’t translating into clients.

I had followed all the guidelines for creating “titles that sell” and had studied “copy that converts” and despite all that, nada. 

What the heck? I thought. There must be something wrong…with ME… because this is NOT working the way it is for everyone else. 

It didn’t make sense AND it took so much dang time to create all of the content – the landing page, thank you page, follow up email sequences, and the resource/guide/tool I was offering in the first place!

I thought, there HAS to be a better, simpler, and quicker way to attract and enroll clients into my practice and this is NOT it. Because, THIS is making me crazy and I am over it! Ugh! 🤨 (Because, let’s be honest, when you are staring out, you need to be making money in your business, not another freaking opt-in!)

Turns out there was a different way – a way that allowed me to be MORE me and enroll clients without this long, drawn-out, complicated process. 

What was it? 

REAL, authentic, connecting conversations – in my posts, emails, videos, and messages.

It is not that different from online dating. 😉

You think it is going to be this long back and forth that takes weeks, if not months, and is so irritatingly annoying.

In fact, one of my clients who was getting back into dating expressed that exact thought with me.

I told her that it doesn’t have to be that way at all.

It takes the right conversation with the right person. (Same with sales.) 💎

When I started online dating, I had a few conversations with a few men that I knew right away – nah.

Then I had a conversation that drew me in. We set up a date within a week and then another and another. I stopped online dating after that because I started dating my now husband. ❤️

One conversation is all it takes.

That is what happened in my business, too.

When I did, I enrolled clients without any complicated strategies.

And, enrolled a client into a $10k full pay 8 week program from one personal email.

That is the power of REAL, genuine conversation. 🌟

Your relationship with sales is not that different from your relationship with dating. In fact, I have found that when you change your relationship with men and money, you can stop doing all the opt-ins and list building and create $10k sales in a way that is authentic to you.

You can create amazing results in your business in a way that is unique to you and throw out all the “rules” about what you “need” to do in order to increase your sales and enroll clients into your practice and, instead, give yourself the true freedom to be you that you desire.

When you do, you’ll wonder why you did it any other way. 👑How I created a $10k full pay sale without creating yet another opt-in

.…and how it is not that different from online dating… 😊

When I started my business, many of the coaches I followed were teaching the importance of having a high-value opt-in to attract and enroll clients into your practice.

I thought, perfect, I am a natural teacher and had created professional development training for staff and community members as well as curriculum around self awareness and personal growth in my previous career, so off I went to create… over 30 opt-ins with valuable resources and tools, videos, nurture sequences, you know… everything that you “need” to get a prospect to “know, like, and trust” you in order to get them to buy from you. 😳

While despite hours and hours of development and creation and promotion, guess how many clients my amazing opt-ins directly created?


What? You’ve got to be kidding me. That is a bit ridiculous, isn’t it? 

I knew what I had created was powerful and really helped people yet that wasn’t translating into clients.

I had followed all the guidelines for creating “titles that sell” and had studied “copy that converts” and despite all that, nada. 

What the heck? I thought. There must be something wrong…with ME… because this is NOT working the way it is for everyone else. 

It didn’t make sense AND it took so much dang time to create all of the content – the landing page, thank you page, follow up email sequences, and the resource/guide/tool I was offering in the first place!

I thought, there HAS to be a better, simpler, and quicker way to attract and enroll clients into my practice and this is NOT it. Because, THIS is making me crazy and I am over it! Ugh! 🤨 (Because, let’s be honest, when you are staring out, you need to be making money in your business, not another freaking opt-in!)

Turns out there was a different way – a way that allowed me to be MORE me and enroll clients without this long, drawn-out, complicated process. 

What was it? 

REAL, authentic, connecting conversations – in my posts, emails, videos, and messages.

It is not that different from online dating. 😉

You think it is going to be this long back and forth that takes weeks, if not months, and is so irritatingly annoying.

In fact, one of my clients who was getting back into dating expressed that exact thought with me.

I told her that it doesn’t have to be that way at all.

It takes the right conversation with the right person. (Same with sales.) 💎

When I started online dating, I had a few conversations with a few men that I knew right away – nah.

Then I had a conversation that drew me in. We set up a date within a week and then another and another. I stopped online dating after that because I started dating my now husband. ❤️

One conversation is all it takes.

That is what happened in my business, too.

When I did, I enrolled clients without any complicated strategies.

And, enrolled a client into a $10k full pay 8 week program from one personal email.

That is the power of REAL, genuine conversation. 🌟

Your relationship with sales is not that different from your relationship with dating. In fact, I have found that when you change your relationship with men and money, you can stop doing all the opt-ins and list building and create $10k sales in a way that is authentic to you.

You can create amazing results in your business in a way that is unique to you and throw out all the “rules” about what you “need” to do in order to increase your sales and enroll clients into your practice and, instead, give yourself the true freedom to be you that you desire.

When you do, you’ll wonder why you did it any other way. 👑