Where do you want to go in 2017? Why? Do you ever pause to ask yourself why you want what you want? Where does the desire come from? Is it coming from your heart and soul? Does it align with who you are becoming? Or is your desire coming from comparisonitis, or from feeling like you need to prove yourself and having a certain type of car, house, or brand of clothing, will prove that you’ve finally made it? It is great to want these things. The key is to uncover if these desires are true to you. When we chase things from a place of proving or trying to fill a hole in our lives, we won’t be fulfilled when we achieve those desires, as they weren’t what we really wanted to begin with.

Save yourself the time, energy, and heartache of chasing after something that you don’t really want. Take a moment to reflect on the life you desire. How do you want to feel in that life? How do you imagine feeling once you have achieved a certain level of success (or are in a certain relationship or in a particular state of health and fitness). That is your core desire. Hone in on that. What can you do now to embody that feeling?

When we chase things from a place of proving or trying to fill a hole in our lives, we won’t be fulfilled when we achieve those desires, as they weren’t what we really wanted to begin with. Save yourself the time, energy, and heartache of chasing after something that you don’t really want. Take a moment to reflect on the life you desire. How do you want to feel in that life? How do you imagine feeling once you have achieved a certain level of success (or are in a certain relationship or in a particular state of health and fitness). That is your core desire. Hone in on that. What can you do now to embody that feeling?

The more we realize that most of our desires come from the belief that we will feel a certain way once we obtain them, the more we realize we don’t have to wait to feel that way. We can choose to engage in activities and put ourselves in certain situations and around particular people that bring about that feeling. Today.

By doing this we are living as if we already have all that we desire which invites and attracts all that we desire to come to us. The rest comes from unwavering faith and complete trust that all is working out exactly as it should be.

Act the part and you’ll get the part. Don’t give up on your dreams or yourself. It is never too late and there is always time to begin again. Why not chose now? Choose to make 2017 your year. You don’t have to do this alone. There are a lot of distractions and detours along the path to the life and work we desire. That is where the value of having a guide to help you stay on the path and refine your vision along the way is priceless. That’s my job and I love it. I love helping people refine their focus, maintain their momentum, take powerful, inspired actions, make adjustments as needed, and ultimately, achieve success as they define it.

I’m here for you whenever you’re ready to step up to what life is calling you to. Isn’t it time to claim it?

Sending you power, insight, and action,



P.S. If you haven’t signed up for your FREE Breakthrough Session yet, sign up today! We’ll explore your desires for your life and work, what’s getting in Breakthrough Session the way, and how working together can help you start living and working with passion and purpose.

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