Love, Loss, and God

Love, Loss, and God

One of my clients recently lost his wife in a fatal car accident.  We have weekly calls and each time I end a call with him,  my heart is overwhelmed with the loss he is experiencing and tears spring to my eyes. (Yes, I am an empath!) I immediately pray for him that...
On Love and Loss

On Love and Loss

  I have a tattoo on my right shoulder. It has two Sanskrit words – bodhichitta and vimukti – which mean awakened heart and letting go. It serves as my reminder to live my life that way – keeping my heart open and letting go. Why? Because my...
Losing, Learning, Loving, Laughing, and Living – Lessons from Emily

Food Memories and Musings

You never know where food might take you. Food holds memories and at times can serve as a time machine, transporting us back to that last memorable time when we were eating that exact food. This happened to me recently with my Curried Butternut Squash Soup. I was...